Sunday, February 19, 2012

Grandma's Taco Salad

This was one of my favorite dinners growing up. I loved everything about it: the taste, that it was always served in the big green Tupperware bowl, the way Grandma shook up the dressing in a Mason jar and let me shake it up too and the way that our family almost finished the whole thing!

Grandma's Taco Salad

1 Package of 3 Romain Hearts - Chopped
1 Onion - Chopped
4 Tomatoes - Chopped
1/2 lb Cheddar Cheese - Grated
1 lb ground beef - Fried
1 15oz can of Kidney beans - Drained and Rinsed
1 Package of tortilla chips - Crushed


1 Can Tomato soup
3/4 C Vinegar
2 Tbsp onion - Chopped
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp celery salt
1 tsp paprika
1 C vegetable oil
1/2 C sugar

Blend together in blender, if making ahead put in something you can shake it up in, so oil doesn't settle. Grandma used a Mason jar.

Put all salad ingredients in a big bowl and mix in dressing and mix it all together.


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