Monday, August 27, 2012

Grandma's Lasagna

Who doesn't love piece of cheesy lasagna? This recipe comes from Grandma but for this version I added some of my own tweaks (I added mushrooms and am trying fire roasted diced tomatoes) and one from my mom (she said to dice up the green pepper and mix it into the cottage cheese).  I once watched my brother Mike heat up some leftover lasagna and put ranch dressing over it, that is one tweak I won't be doing.

2 lbs hamburger
2 cloves garlic
1 can tomato sauce
1 can diced tomatoes
1/2 mozzarella cheese
16 oz cottage cheese
1 green bell pepper
2 cans of mushrooms
onion flakes

Brown hamburger with the garlic, onion flakes, salt, pepper and oregano

after meat is browned, add in mushrooms and cans of tomatoes and simmer for 20 minutes. I also add a couple teaspoons of sugar to the sauce to cut the acid

Dice up bell pepper

Grate cheese

Mix in the green pepper with the cottage cheese
boil 9 lasagna noodles, I just boiled them long enough to make them soft

In a 9x13 pan put a little sauce in the bottom and lay 3 noodles on top

add a layer of sauce 

and then a layer of cottage cheese and green pepper mix, use 1/2 the cottage cheese mixture

add a layer of cheese
continue doing that for another layer, for the last layer just use sauce and cheese

looks good and almost ready to go in the oven

Bake at 375 for 45 minutes


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